Ion Manole

Promo-LEX (Moldova)

In 2002 I founded new organization (Promo-LEX) and from this moment I contributed to the development of this organization. Today Promo-LEX is one of the biggest and most active NGO in Moldova.

As Human Rights Defenders we represent numerous cases at the ECHR and already have 49 positive decisions of the European Court in favor of the victims of Human Rights violations. Also we work in the advocacy area, elaborate reports and researches regarding the Human Rights problems identified by us in the process.

11 years we promoted Human Rights in the Transnistrian region (breakaway region of Moldova ). 12 from 49 decisions of the European Curt and represented by Promo-LEX are regarding the violations of Human Rights in Transnistrian region.

From 2009 we also monitor the democratic processes in Moldova. In the last 8 years Promo-LEX cover all polling stations from Moldova during the local, parliamentarian or presidential elections, also Referendum.